We cover Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico.
Since 1991, the emphasis of our site is to provide product information, company contact information, and list of certified installers.

Determining Helical Pier and Anchor Capacity
Please watch an in depth discussion concerning tension and compression tests involving CHANCE Helical Piers and Anchors. Helical Pier and Anchor Capacity

The Atlas Resistance® Pier is a manufactured, two-stage product designed specifically to produce structural support strength. First, the Pier Pipe is driven to a firm bearing stratum; then the lift equipment is combined with a manifold system to lift the…

Basement Wall Repair
Screw anchors can help prevent wall movement by holding the wall when soil swells and the resulting pressure pushes against the wall. Retaining walls can be designed using screw anchors with a modest increase in cost. Proven and building code…

Engineers – We are you one stop shop for technical literature, software, and design assistance. Located at the top of the page are various tiles providing drawings, specifications, and literature for our products. We also offer a free copy of the Helicap Software. Welcome to HeliCAP® Helical Capacity Design Software. Version 2.0 adds exciting new … Continued

Chance Civil Construction
Click Here to watch a short video on Chance’s Civil Construction division and their dedication to their customers. Since 1912, Chance has been the international leader in earth anchoring. Our helical piles are used worldwide to secure residential and commercial buildings, tower foundations, heavy equipment foundations and many other deep foundation applications. CHANCE® … Continued

Heavy Construction
Whether you are needing compression or tension loads to secure your structure, we can help. Helical Concepts, Inc. can provide design assistance to your heavy commercial projects. Commercial New Construction Commercial Remedial Repair Tiebacks Soil Nails using the Chance Soil…

Tower Foundations
Applications for guyed structures, self-supporting towers, structures substations, and switching stations are all part of the CHANCE T/C (tension-compression) foundation and guy anchor product line. Applications in sensitive areas, high water tables, difficult access as well as normal soils make…

A Solid Foundation for Homeowners
Generally, a family’s home is their largest investment. One of the best ways to protect that investment is with Chance Helical Piles. CHANCE manufactured anchors are rated up to 100,000 pounds each. These are available in round or square shafts…

Why Chance?
Helical Concepts, Inc. prides itself on provided the best steel possible for your projects. Below are various links to accreditations and certifications awarded to Chance for their outstanding product reliability. ESR Report ISO 9001 Certificate SCI Assessed Certificate
Helical Concepts Incorporated

CHANCE Helical Piers
The earliest known use of an anchor foundation was for the support of lighthouses in tidal basins around England. A blind English brickmaker, Alexander Mitchell, is credited with the design of a "screw pile" for this purpose in 1833.
ALTLAS Resitance Piers
Atlas Resistance® Piers have been used to restore and/or stabilize homes and commercial structures that had settled. True end-bearing Atlas Resistance Piers are sold and installed only by contractors trained by Atlas.